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With us safely to the finish line quickly.

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About Us

Our goal is to make the services we provide are highly professional. Due to many years of experience in road freight transport we provide high quality services with an individual approach to every customer.

Our dispatchers communicate in English and German. Our drivers have extensive experience and skills in road freight transport, aiming to ensure maximum security of transported goods.

The requirements of our customers are trying to satisfy flexibly, quickly and responsibly.


Ensuring forwarding activities, truck transportation. The resort provides transport forwarding in addition to using its own vehicles and cooperation with proven contract carriers.

Year 2012:
Establishment of IT SPED Ltd. Slovakia based in Nováky.


Our mission is to offer quality transportation services and many years of experience in logistics, optimizing prices and individual approach to customers.

We believe that our company and you will be contacted by our new and permanent partner.

Head office

IT Sped Ltd.

Šimonovská 559/2, 972 71 Nováky
Slovenská Republika

Business hours

Mo - Fri 07:00 - 16:00

IČO: 46919091
DIČ: 2023657405
IČ DPH: SK2023657405

Our Team

Do you have questions?

We provide services to domestic and international freight. We have long experience in providing transport services.

We use our own fleet, thus minimizing the risk that the shipment is delayed. We offer standard shipment (piece, pallet, mail).
Our vehicles meet the Euro V and Euro VI.

Domestic and overseas transportation

Our company specializes in transporting goods liable in accordance with applicable laws ADR agreement.

Customers whose handling and transportation destination of the goods subject to the agreement ADR provides comprehensive services which consist in advise on the transport of dangerous goods, selecting the most appropriate routes and carrying out the actual transport of d angerous goods under the ADR agreement.

Our company transports goods across the European Union.

Transport ADR

For our customers realize the transport of goods in addition to their own vehicles and vehicles of our contractual partners (we provide capacity vehicles of other carriers).

We cooperate with Slovak and foreign transport and forwarding companies.


Ponúkame na prenájom priestory (x m2) vhodné na skladovanie materiálu.

Objekt je situovaný v Novákoch, v areáli našej firmy.
Budova je cela murovaná a má sedlovú strechu.

Charter place